To upload an image to RetailOps via API, you must create a session then send a POST request.
Please note: Each session expires about 5 minutes after creation. You may need to generate a new session in such a case.
Create a Session
- In RO, go to Administration > User Manager.
- Select your user account. In the bottom-right of the User Details pane, press the [Add API Key] button.
- Copy and paste the generated API key into the end of the following URL:<user_api_key>
Enter the URL into your address bar to create a session.
Send a POST Request
After creating a session, you can send an image directly to the RO server using a POST request. POST requests contain a number of parameters. They must be sent to:
Here’s an example of a simple request:
curl --verbose \
-H "no-checksum: true" \
-H "Content-Type: image/jpeg" \
-H "sku-num: 189" \
-H "session: $session" \
--data-binary @586489.jpg -X POST
Your request may include any of the parameters listed below:
- sku-id - integer
- sku-num - string
- content-type* - string (e.g. image/json, image/jpeg, image/png)
- association-type - string
- no-checksum** - boolean
- sha256sum** - string
- session* - string (user session)
- concept - string (e.g. product, sku)
- record-id - integer
- tags - string (space delimited)
* Required
** One of these two parameters are required.
Your request will yield these returns listed below:
- success - boolean
- work_id - integer
- mediakey - string
- format_id - integer
- dimensions - object (access with names)
- width - integer
- height - integer
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