This page provides a list of user privileges and what functionality each privilege grants to users. Go to this article to see which privileges are assigned by default to each Role.
Privilege | Function |
---|---| | Internal use only. |
bg.dispatch | Internal use only. |
config.attribute.create | Create new attributes. |
config.attribute.edit | Edit general settings on existing attributes. Access Granted: Administration > Attributes | | Edit Associations pane settings on existing attributes. |
config.attribute.metafield.create | Create new meta fields for attributes. |
config.attribute.metafield.edit | Toggle whether meta fields are Active for attributes. |
config.attribute.value.edit | Add new and edit existing values for attributes and meta fields. |
config.brand.create | Create new brands. |
config.brand.edit | Edit existing brands. Access Granted: Administration > Brands | | Edit settings in the Channels pane of the System Config menu. |
config.device.register | Internal use only. |
config.feed.create | Create new feeds. |
config.feed.edit | Edit existing feeds. |
config.feed.field.create | Deprecated. |
config.feed.field.edit | Deprecated. | | View existing feeds. Access Granted: Administration > Feed Manager |
config.feed.record.create | Deprecated. |
config.feed.record.edit | Deprecated. |
config.feed.value.create | Deprecated. |
config.feed.value.edit | Deprecated. |
config.maptable.edit | Create new and edit existing map tables. | | View existing map tables. Access Granted: Administration > Manage Map Tables | | Required. |
config.routingguide.edit | Edit the routing guide. Access Granted: Administration > Routing Guide |
config.ship.edit | Add new and edit existing Ship Service Mappings and Carrier Class Mappings in the System Config menu. | | View Ship Service Mappings and Carrier Class Mappings in the System Config menu. |
config.system.edit | Edit account settings. Access Granted: Administration > System Config |
config.terminal.edit | Register new and edit existing terminals. Access Granted: Administration > Manage Terminals |
config.user.acl.edit | Edit settings in Access Control pane in the User Manager tool. | | View settings in Access Control pane in the User Manager tool. |
config.user.create | Create new user accounts. |
config.user.credentials.edit | Edit user credentials. | | View user credentials. |
config.user.edit | Edit settings in User Details pane. Access Granted: Administration > User Manager | | View current user accounts. |
config.vendor.create | Create new vendors and new vendor contacts. |
config.vendor.edit | Edit existing vendors and existing vendor contacts. Access Granted: Administration > Vendors |
cust.address.edit | Add, remove, and edit customer addresses. | | View customer addresses. |
cust.edit | Edit basic customer info including Name, Email, Phone, Status, and Tags. |
cust.order.applycredit | Apply store credit to customer orders. |
cust.order.cancel | Cancel customer orders. |
cust.order.create | Create new customer orders. | | Apply discounts to customer orders. |
cust.order.edit | Edit customer order details. |
cust.order.hold | Put holds on customer orders. |
cust.order.push | Push customer orders through. | | View customer orders. |
cust.order.return.create | Process order returns. Access Granted: Warehouse > Order Returns |
cust.order.rma.create | Create RMAs. | | View the Returns tab of customer orders. |
cust.order.shipment.edit | Edit and process shipments in the Shipment Audit tool. | | View shipments of customer orders. This affects the view of shipments: on the Shipments tab inside customer orders, on Shipment Waves, during Shipment Audit, in the Pending JIT/DS tool, and in shipment sessions. Access Granted: Purchasing > Pending JIT/DS |
cust.order.shipment.ship | Access the Shipment Audit tool. Access Granted: Warehouse > Shipment Audit |
cust.order.shipment.ship.override | Send shipments out for fulfillment in Shipment Audit. Open and close ship sessions in the Ship Sessions tool. Access Granted: Warehouse > Ship Sessions |
cust.order.shipment.ship.overrideitem | Confirm individual order items in Shipment Audit. | | Search for customers. Access Granted: Customer Service > Search |
cust.storecredit.edit | Add or remove store credit for customers. | | View history of store credit use for customers. |
device.getweight | Detect the product weight from installed scale. |
device.test | Test devices in My Terminal Preferences. |
externallot.create | Create new external lots. | | View existing external lots. |
externalsku.update | Edit existing external SKUs. |
fulfillment.wave.create | Create new shipment waves. |
fulfillment.wave.print | Print pick labels, packing slips, and pick-to-order slips for shipment waves. | | View existing shipment waves. Access Granted: Warehouse > Shipment Wave | | Internal use only. |
internal.eventlog | Internal use only. |
internal.picklist_integration | Internal use only. |
inventory.adjust | Adjust quantities of lots (Gain/Loss) and move lots into different containers. |
inventory.container.create | Deprecated. |
inventory.container.createtote | Create new totes. Access Granted: Warehouse > Tote Creator |
inventory.container.edit | Create new containers and edit existing containers. Access Granted: Administration > Container Manager |
inventory.container.move | Move totes into different locations. Access Granted: Warehouse > Move Container |
inventory.count.admin | Perform inventory counts. Access Granted: Warehouse > Inventory Count |
inventory.lot.edit | Edit the weight and unit cost of lots in the PIM. |
inventory.lot.reprint | Reprint labels for lots in the PIM. |
inventory.lot.void | Void lots in the Product Receiving tool. | | View existing inventory and perform an inventory search. Access Granted: Warehouse > Inventory Search |
inventory.receive | Receive inventory by manually creating lots through the PIM. |
invtransfer.edit | Add new and edit existing inventory transfer batches. | | View existing inventory transfer batches. |
media.control | Internal use only. |
media.edit | Add new media and edit settings on existing media. Access Granted: Product > Media Upload | | View product media. | | View notes about product families in the PIM |
notes.write | Write notes about product families in the PIM. |
payment.auth | Internal use only. |
payment.charge | Internal use only. | | Internal use only. | | View the Payment tab of customer orders. |
payment.settle | Internal use only. |
payment.void | Internal use only. |
po.addnote | Deprecated. |
po.create | Create new POs and add items. Access Granted: Purchasing > PO Create |
po.edit | Edit existing PO data. |
po.print | Deprecated. | | Search for and view existing PO's. Access Granted: Purchasing > PO Search |
pos.kickcash | Applies to POS orders only. This allows the cash drawer to kick open to accept cash payments and give change back, if needed. |
prefs.station | Select devices to use as scales and printers. Access Granted: Administration > My Terminal Perfs |
product.advanced.edit | Move lots into different SKUs using the Advanced Product Editor. Access Granted: Advanced Search functions | | View products in the Advanced Product Editor tool. Access Granted: Product > Adv Product Edit | | View unit costs for lots. |
product.create | Create a new product family. |
product.edit | Edit product data and add new SKUs to families. | | Search for products and open product data in the PIM. Access Granted: Product > Product Search |
product.retire | Retire or deactivate SKUs in the PIM. |
PUBLIC | Required. | | Search for and view products through the Product Receiving tool. Access Granted: Warehouse > Product Receiving |
rcvprod.receive | Receive inventory using the Product Receiving tool. |
rcvprod.reprint | Reprint labels for lots in the Product Receiving tool. |
rcvship.create | Log new shipments. Access Granted: Warehouse > Shipment Receiving |
rcvship.edit | Edit existing shipments and process them into Receiving using handheld consoles. |
rcvship.movepiece | Move shipment pieces into different locations. | | View incoming shipments. Access Granted: Warehouse > Shipment Search |
rcvship.reprint | Reprint piece labels for shipment pieces. |
report.edit | Create new and edit existing reports. Access Granted: Administration > Reporting |
report.view | View existing reports. Access the Reorder tool. Access Granted: Purchasing > Reorder |
upload.file | Upload files using the Data Import tool. Access Granted: Administration > Data Import |
upload.process_internal | Internal use only. |
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