What happens to items on shipments that get canceled while being processed?
If items on a shipment are canceled while the shipment is being processed, the items stay in the processing container. They do not return to the original location from which they were picked. These items will need to be moved out of the processing container and into a pickable container to be eligible for order fulfillment again.
How does a Will Call shipment work?
Shipping an order via Will Call will mark the order as Status: Fulfilled in RetailOps and allow you to capture payment (if you have not done so already). However, once marked as Status: Fulfilled, you cannot upload additional tracking information. At this point, you would likely need to add tracking info manually into the channel.
I’m using iAbol shipping software. I’m getting an error when processing international shipments with a product total of $0. How do I fix this?
iAbol does not allow international shipments with a value of $0. As a workaround, you can change the product total to $0.01 to allow the shipment to process.
Commercials invoices are not printing for all shipments that need it. How do I control when these print?
By default, RetailOps determines whether commercial invoices should be sent electronically or if it must be printed out. An option in the System Config > Account Settings, Force Commercial Invoice, allows you to specify different countries and/or ship carrier classes for which commercial invoices must always be printed out.
To specify a country, you would enter its country code. To specify a ship class, append the ship class carrier code to the country with a forward slash (/).
You can specify multiple countries by separating each country code with a pipe (|) character.
Country Codes
This setting uses ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes with 2 characters. You can find a list of country codes on the ISO website.
Carrier Codes
Refer to the chart below for a list of carrier codes.
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