Complete SKUs are being passed through the feed to your sales channels. These are eligible for sale.
Complete SKUs are displayed in Green in the PIM
Incomplete SKUs are not being passed through the feed to your sales channels. These are not eligible for sale.
Incomplete SKUs are displayed in Dark Grey in the PIM.
Inactive SKUs may not be edited.
Only SKUs without quantity may be set to Inactive status.
SKUs with prior lot history are eligible to be set to Inactive status.
Inactive SKUs may be re-activated by receiving new lots against them.
Inactive SKUs are hidden from the PIM by default but they may be displayed by toggling the light bulb+ icon in the bottom-right corner. When displayed, they are displayed in Light Grey.
Retired SKUs may not be edited.
Only SKUs without any prior lot history may be set to Retired status.
Retired SKUs are hidden from the PIM. They may only be accessed in the PIM by performing a Product Search and clicking through one of the search results. When displayed, they are displayed in White.
These SKUs have been identified as duplicates of other existing SKUs.
Duplicate SKUs should be modified to become unique or set to Inactive status.
Duplicate SKUs are displayed in Dark Pink.
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