The Wave Pick and Sort tools enable efficient picking and sorting of items using your mobile device. By following an optimized pick path and sorting shipments into designated bins, these tools help your warehouse operate smoothly and streamline the fulfillment workflow.
First, you will need to create a wave as types console or single console. See article Create Shipment Waves for more information.
Start the picking process in the App
- On your handheld, go to Fulfillment > Wave Pick
- Select the wave you want to process
- Additionally, you can Filter or Search the waves to help narrow down the list.
- Scan or [Manual entry] the nearest container location.
- Go to and Scan Container ID.
- Retrieve and Scan the product, and repeat until all quantities have been gathered.
- Scan the cart barcode to pick and move those items.
- The cart must be a shipping container
- Repeat steps 3-6 for each item on the picklist until complete.
Colors glossary from the Available waves page.
Purple = Ready to pick
Gray = Processing/ picked ready to sort
Blue = Complete
Sorting process
- On your handheld, go to Fulfillment > Wave Pick
- Select the wave you want to process
- View Picks list to verify all the items are accounted for, then tap [Start Sorting]
- Scan each item
- Finally, place them in the sorting bins.
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