The RetailOps Receiving tool offers a function to search by UPC when receiving against a purchase order. For some workflows, it can be beneficial to search by partial UPCs. For example, you may be receiving a bulkstock PO with similar UPCs, such as a single shoe model in different sizes.
Enable UPC Approximate String Search
Navigate to Administration > System Config > Account Settings. (RetailOps Version 2.6 and above)
Locate the setting titled "Receiving UPC Suffix Fuzziness". This setting will indicate the number of digits that will be used for the Approximate String Search. For example, if the value was set to 5, the last five digits of a UPC scanned or entered in Step 1 of receiving would not be used to match the UPC, only the preceding digits.
Set the number of digits you would like to consider "fuzzy", as described above. For example, 5.
With the "Receiving UPC Suffix Fuzziness" set to 5, searching for a UPC of 111111111111 in the Receiving Tool would also bring up the following results: 111111125242, 111111131313, 111111111032, etc.
If you have questions about this workflow, please contact RetailOps Support.
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