Beginning in RetailOps version 2.5, we now offer a new Purchase Order mode for faster ordering, and more granular reporting. Here's what's new:
- Add SKUs to POs instead of MPNs
- Automatic generation of external SKUs
- Cost/VPC data will be pulled from existing external SKUs
- User configurable PO types More info
Please note- Before you start, you'll need to pick your attributes to columnize the SKU mode POs. For example, you may want to order shirts by Color and Size. To learn more about configuring this, click here: Attribute configuration for using SKU Mode POs. To learn more about creating a PO in Spreadsheet Mode, click here Spreadsheet Mode Purchase Orders.
Create new PO in SKU Mode
In the Navigation menu, go to Purchasing > PO Create.
Set the Buyer.
Set the PO Type to SKU Mode. (See this article for more information about PO Types: PO Types)
Select the vendor. (Be sure a vendor profile has already been created. Add New Vendors).
Add SKUs to the PO.
Select Add SKUs button - You will be prompted with a Product Search window, similar to the standard Product Search tool.
Locate the SKUs or product families you would like to add to your PO by searching for SKU, MPN, Brand, etc.
Once you've located your SKU or Product family, select the row, and select Add Selected SKUs. To select multiple SKUs, [Shift+Click] to select multiple rows.
(If your desired SKU shows a red X, this SKU does not have value set for the Identifying attribute. Navigate to the product in Product Search to correct this.
The PO Item Group or Identifying attribute needs to be added to the account setting: Product SKU Search Result Display Attributes)
Once you've added SKUs to your PO, you'll see 3 different highlighting colors:
Aqua: This is the SKU or SKUs you selected from the [Add SKUs] menu
Grey: This indicates a SKU for this particular variation (color and size) was not found in this product family. Entering a quantity will create the SKU of this variation.
Light Blue: This variation was found in the product family, and matches an existing SKU.
Add Quantity to the PO
Once you've added SKUs to the PO, they will be auto-columnized by the attributes you selected previously as the "SKU - identifying" attribute. (To switch the columnization, select the [Columns] dropdown, and select a different attribute.)
Click into each cell to add quantities and cost for each row as desired.
If you have existing external SKUs for this vendor, the VPC and cost will be pulled directly from the external SKU. If you do not have external SKUs for this vendor indicated on the PO, they will be created automatically by adding the SKU to the PO.
Enter Purchase Order Details
- Set the Discount in percentage or a flat dollar amount. This discount will apply to the Total for the entire order.
- Set the payment cycle Terms, the payment date period in which an invoice must be paid.
- Set the Method of payment.
- Set the date/time to Submit the PO to the vendor contact. By default, this will be set to the date/time that you created the PO. However, you may schedule the PO to be delivered at some point in the future.
- Set the location the items in the PO must Ship To.
- Set the Start Date and Cancel Date, the time frame in which the PO must be shipped.
- Add Vendor Notes for any special info you want to communicate to the vendor contact regarding this PO.
- Add notes on miscellaneous info not recorded elsewhere. These notes will only display internally. Notes manually entered will display in yellow. Some actions will be recorded here automatically (e.g. the creation of the PO, the submission of the PO). Those will display in blue.
Once your purchase order is in Status: "Submitted", we advise against editing the item quantities, or adding/removing items from the PO. Doing so will not send an updated version of the PO to the vendor, and could negatively impact existing customer orders by detaching/reattaching inventory in an unexpected manner. We recommend instead that you create a new purchase order for these changes.
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